Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
Very briefly - the murderer's version has lyrics that sound sort of like the actual lyrics, but don't quite track - don't make logical sense in some places anymore. My inference from this is that he...
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(There is a thing called a "mondegreen" - "excuse me while I kiss this guy" for "excuse me while I kiss the sky" or "Dirty Jock and the...
View ArticleRe: Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
The Zodiac's interest in Gilbert & Sullivan, Melville, and the like may just be something he gathered in high school. How many high school students were assigned to read Moby Dick or Billy...
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The Zodiac's interest in Gilbert & Sullivan, Melville, and the like may just be something he gathered in high school.That could very well be.
View ArticleRe: Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
A contemprary of joan of Ark who fought along side of her at the battle of Orleans was Gilles de Rais, a notorious child murderer and a devil worshiper . He had hoped an alliance with satan would help...
View ArticleRe: Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
The Zodiac's interest in Gilbert & Sullivan, Melville, and the like may just be something he gathered in high school.That could very well be.Good point. In junior high we were all forced to...
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On the other hand, maybe not. Zodiac's a very controlled, pedantic, anal-retentive type. He's not the sort to screw up the lyrics to a Gilbert and Sullivan aria unless he's got some kind of ulterior...
View ArticleRe: Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
Interesting way to put it, Doug... I like the analogy, it's spot on, I think!
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Thanks, Ed. I've always been taken by the contrast there.
View ArticleRe: Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
I was struck by the phrase " And the Idiout who phraises with inthuastic tone". The misspellings appear contrived. "out" "in"!
View ArticleRe: Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
I think all the puns are intentional and that he liked the Mikado.
View ArticleRe: Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
A fun archive of misheard lyrics (no mention of Z's interpretation of the Mikado):http://www.kissthisguy.com/I still stand by the opinion that Z could have been very intelligent and a genuinely crappy...
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Actually he spells "provinces," as "provences," which makes it tempting to think that the "lady from the Provences," (Provence) is Joan of Arc,...
View ArticleRe: Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
It's interesting to note how Mikado-crazed the Bay Area was in 1939, 1940. Stage versions of "Swing Mikado" and "Hot Mikado" -- jazz versions of the Gilbert and...
View ArticleRe: Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
Actually he spells "provinces," as "provences," which makes it tempting to think that the "lady from the Provences," (Provence) is Joan of Arc,...
View ArticleRe: Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
I think pages 3-5 were 'old' pages that Z added in; not part of the writing done 'at the time' on the Little List theme. Hence the difference in ink colors (maybe I'm the only one who can see them) on...
View ArticleRe: Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
Something I wanted to note is that in the "Little List" letter, Z used the phrase "banjo seranader" instead of the original wording from The Mikado of...
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if gaik was z i could see him not using the n word.
View ArticleRe: Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
Whoever Z was/is, I don't imagine he would choose to use the "banjo" version just to keep from offending someone. I believe that was the version he heard and probably had. Whether it...
View ArticleRe: Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
And considering he was able to quote it rather well, I would say that he owned a copy of it for at least a period of time of his life. Unless he just had an awesome memory, it would be hard to...
View ArticleRe: Just a brief note on the lyrics from the Mikado
It's interesting to note how Mikado-crazed the Bay Area was in 1939, 1940. Stage versions of "Swing Mikado" and "Hot Mikado" -- jazz versions of the Gilbert and...
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